Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: I have recently placed an order - when can I expect it?
A: Most order ship the next business day. Your package should arrive within 2-3 days depending your location. Some heavier packages will take 2-7 business days to arrive.
Q: What if the item I order is no longer in stock?
A: You will be refunded through paypal your full purchase amount and you will receive an email from us saying that we no longer have the item in stock and your refund has been processed.
Q: Will I get a tracking number for my purchase?
A: Yes. We print all of our labels through paypal. Paypal should send you an email telling you your item has shipped. If you do not get an email and are concerned your item has not shipped please contact us.
Q: Is paypal safe, secure and easy to use?
A: Yes. Paypal is a great source and easy to use. I have a verified account with a 500+ rating.
Q: I just received my item and it was damaged - what now?
A: Simply contact us and we will refund the money (minus shipping costs). Some items may be replaced if stock is available but when dealing with antiques sometimes there are not multiple items available.
Q: I collect or am looking for certain types of items - can you find them?
A: It depends. If you are looking for certain types of items (for example: Coke advertising) let us know what you collect. We are at antique auctions weekly and will stay on the look out for the items you are interested in.
A: Most order ship the next business day. Your package should arrive within 2-3 days depending your location. Some heavier packages will take 2-7 business days to arrive.
Q: What if the item I order is no longer in stock?
A: You will be refunded through paypal your full purchase amount and you will receive an email from us saying that we no longer have the item in stock and your refund has been processed.
Q: Will I get a tracking number for my purchase?
A: Yes. We print all of our labels through paypal. Paypal should send you an email telling you your item has shipped. If you do not get an email and are concerned your item has not shipped please contact us.
Q: Is paypal safe, secure and easy to use?
A: Yes. Paypal is a great source and easy to use. I have a verified account with a 500+ rating.
Q: I just received my item and it was damaged - what now?
A: Simply contact us and we will refund the money (minus shipping costs). Some items may be replaced if stock is available but when dealing with antiques sometimes there are not multiple items available.
Q: I collect or am looking for certain types of items - can you find them?
A: It depends. If you are looking for certain types of items (for example: Coke advertising) let us know what you collect. We are at antique auctions weekly and will stay on the look out for the items you are interested in.